Open letter to drug traffickers
NOTE: mrdarren is against the mandatory death penalty for drug traffickers
Dear Drug Trafficker,
We take pride in our harsh and transparent drug laws. We tell the whole world that if you get caught transporting drugs, you pay the price, you die. No room for negotiation.
No, we are not interested in hearing your excuses, motives, and reasons for choosing to transport drugs. No, we don’t care that you were a young man of 22 with no previous criminal record when arrested, you confessed your guilt, and you are willing to cooperate with the police to identify your drug boss. So what if you are truly remorseful and you realize the severity of your crime; you can promise to change for the better but you don’t deserve a second chance in life.
You beg for our forgiveness. Why don’t we be merciful and forgive you for a grave mistake, a wrong choice in life? You ought to understand this: Transporting drugs is an unforgivable crime. You showed no concern for the people who will continue their addiction to drugs and the people who will be tempted to try drugs and become addicted. You wanted to profit from their misery. We hate drugs. We hate you for what you did. Don’t you think you deserve to die?
Your death, like many others before you, will serve a greater purpose. The publicity (depending on your nationality) from your execution will send a message to the international drug syndicates: Singapore is no-nonsense when it comes to drugs, don’t send your men here unless you want them to die. The black and white approach to the use of death penalty must be working to keep drugs out of Singapore. Logic says that if we take a harsh non-negotiable stand against drug trafficking, no ordinary person will dare to transport drugs here. What can be scarier than death itself? Everyone is afraid of dying. Everyone knows Singapore shows no mercy to drug traffickers. You will definitely die if you get caught transporting drugs. So why do you still choose to gamble with your life? Don’t be stupid.
We have a responsibility to Singaporeans and the right to take all measures to protect ourselves from the scourge of drugs. Believe you me, Singaporeans are not cruel. We are sad when lives are lost, whether from drug overdoses or executions. Imposing a mandatory death penalty for drug traffickers is not an easy policy decision to make. Deciding to kill someone never is. We really have no choice but to kill you.
May you rest in peace.
Yours Sincerely,
A typical Singaporean
Dear Drug Trafficker,
We take pride in our harsh and transparent drug laws. We tell the whole world that if you get caught transporting drugs, you pay the price, you die. No room for negotiation.
No, we are not interested in hearing your excuses, motives, and reasons for choosing to transport drugs. No, we don’t care that you were a young man of 22 with no previous criminal record when arrested, you confessed your guilt, and you are willing to cooperate with the police to identify your drug boss. So what if you are truly remorseful and you realize the severity of your crime; you can promise to change for the better but you don’t deserve a second chance in life.
You beg for our forgiveness. Why don’t we be merciful and forgive you for a grave mistake, a wrong choice in life? You ought to understand this: Transporting drugs is an unforgivable crime. You showed no concern for the people who will continue their addiction to drugs and the people who will be tempted to try drugs and become addicted. You wanted to profit from their misery. We hate drugs. We hate you for what you did. Don’t you think you deserve to die?
Your death, like many others before you, will serve a greater purpose. The publicity (depending on your nationality) from your execution will send a message to the international drug syndicates: Singapore is no-nonsense when it comes to drugs, don’t send your men here unless you want them to die. The black and white approach to the use of death penalty must be working to keep drugs out of Singapore. Logic says that if we take a harsh non-negotiable stand against drug trafficking, no ordinary person will dare to transport drugs here. What can be scarier than death itself? Everyone is afraid of dying. Everyone knows Singapore shows no mercy to drug traffickers. You will definitely die if you get caught transporting drugs. So why do you still choose to gamble with your life? Don’t be stupid.
We have a responsibility to Singaporeans and the right to take all measures to protect ourselves from the scourge of drugs. Believe you me, Singaporeans are not cruel. We are sad when lives are lost, whether from drug overdoses or executions. Imposing a mandatory death penalty for drug traffickers is not an easy policy decision to make. Deciding to kill someone never is. We really have no choice but to kill you.
May you rest in peace.
Yours Sincerely,
A typical Singaporean
Thank you, Andrew. This link might interest you (about Singapore's relationship with opium-producing Burma).
Pip Wilson, at 1:24 PM
Thanks for the link, by the way, who's Andrew?
I think SG Gov should clarify on its investments in Burma. Obviously, the Burma government is giving the drug lords permission to grow poppy plants and producing heroin for trafficking.
darrnot, at 4:55 PM
Hope your letter is a tongue-in-cheek thing else its quite disturbing if those are your thoughts.
When criminals commit crimes, being caught is the last time on their mind. So no one cares what the punishment will be.
I dont mean to offend but I am against capital punishments.
Nobody, at 8:44 PM
last thing on their mind. Sorry for the typo.
Nobody, at 8:45 PM
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darrnot, at 9:12 PM
Hi ghost,
This letter is not tongue-in-cheek. Very serious stuff. But these are not my views. These are the views of my friends who support the death penalty for drug traffickers.
Like you, I am disturbed by their views. That's why I decided to write this letter and see what kind of response it will draw, or the lack of...silence infers consent, which may mean Singaporeans support the death penalty? I hope Singaporeans who are against the death penalty speak up more.
If you read the rest of my posts, you will know my stand. No matter what wrong they have committed, we should cherish the value of human life.
Thanks for sharing. Sharing of information is the key to change.
darrnot, at 9:39 PM
Please replace all the words "Drugs" with "Cigarettes" and I will agree 100%.
Afterall, both are addictive, both cause people to die.
Drugs, however, do not cause 2nd-hand-smoke issues while cigarettes do.
Drugs, if overdosed, causes only the user to die. Cigarettes, on the other hand, causes both the user and people around to suffer.
Which is worse ? To die, or to suffer years of cancer symptoms with years of medical costs ?
Don't talk about social ills that drug addicts have on their family and friends.
The same social ills are already caused here, thanks to Singapore Pools.
Actually, I view cigarettes to be worse than drugs. Why ? Because it becomes widespread when legalized, causing more people to suffer.
Restrict smoking zones ? Why not hang importers altogether and rid the society of nicotine ?
Lets hang all murderers.. they took a life..
Lets hang all drunk drivers when they knock someone down.. they took a life..
Lets hang all the HIV+ people who donated blood.. cos they intend to take a life...
Lets enact state-sanctioned revenge. Take a life for a life !
Support my stand and I WILL support Capital Punishment.
Singapore Calamari, at 11:51 PM
I am for the record, usually opposed to the death penalty except in the rarest of rare cases (serial killers should hang, that's about it).
Instead of hanging traffickers, why don't we hang the bankers who launder drug money, as George Carlin suggested? The idiots who get caught are the small fry. What usually happens is ten people carry small amounts of the drug and one stooge carries like one kg or something of heroin. While the law catches this one idiot, the ten others who carry the small amounts sneak by. I mean look at Sam Murugesu who was hanged. For what?! Carrying a drug that was perfectly legal in so many countries and is often touted as a great cure for many illnesses. I am not advocating marijuana use, I am just wondering out loud if he really deserved to die for that.
What about this recent idiot Aussie? I mean what did he do that he deserves to hang? The poor schmuck was caught between the rock and a hard place. If he carried the drug he would die. If he didn't carry the drug, his brother would die. Why can't our law recognise that. Oh well, as long as draconian governments exist, there will always be draconian laws.
Hades, at 12:37 PM
Money made from selling heroin is extremely lucrative and alluring.
Mockingbird, at 1:12 PM
Money made from selling heroin is extremely lucrative and alluring.
Yes, lucrative and alluring for the ring leader. He is never the one carrying the drugs.
For the foot soldiers, they dun get much.. Too rich, and they will exit the business. Thus it is not in the interest of the ring leaders to get their subordinates to earn too much.
Just enough to keep them happy, but not enough that he needs to find new guys every day.
Selling magic stones is more lucrative, in my opinion, and chances of getting caught is much much less than drugs, attract less attention from the ever-so-busy-Singapore-police and penalty is much lesser.
Time for me to pick a few rocks today..
Singapore Calamari, at 2:51 PM
How many Singaporeans die due to drug overdose each year?
There were around 1000 drug abusers arrested in 2004. Yet, among these 1000 and the ones that evaded arrest, NONE have died of drugs overdose (according to my knowledge).
Do you recall reading in local newspapers of anyone dying from drug overdose? In fact, when was the last time any Singaporean died of drug overdose?
I think the main ULTILITARIAN argument against drugs is the social ills drugs cause. But the same social ills apply for gambling addicts and nicotine/smokers. Why the great discrepency in punishment?
Please read more on the harm of heroin:
darrnot, at 5:56 PM
Yes. I read the rest of your post. I have misunderstood you.
I am glad more Sillyporeans are aware of this issue.
I cant change the world but with my little contribution, I can make more people realise and think about our laws on Capital punishment.
Nobody, at 4:20 PM
i believe this whole spore tie with burma thing has been severely overplayed. it's akin to M.Moore sensationalising the Bushes link to the Saudi Royal family and the presposterous suggestion that Bush could be vicariously liable for 9/11. The link between PAP and drug lords is just too tenuous to have any credibility.
Anonymous, at 7:17 PM
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darrnot, at 8:37 PM
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darrnot, at 8:45 PM
I really agree with what sinful saint has to say about Nguyen's death and also what mrdarren has to say about drug traffickers on the whole.
It is really selfish of the drug traffickers to even dare to traffick drugs across our borders. Selfish to contaminate another country's "cleanliness and crime-freeness (not like there's such a word)", selfish to make money out of the harmful addiction of another, even if it may lead to their deaths. They should die. Seriously.
And also, Nguyen's brother may be in deep shit with all his debts and all. But why cause others to be in deep shit so as to save his own skin? Others as in those drug addicts out there. Thats just the most cowardly and low down way out of hot soup, sacrificing others to save ones own skin.
Nguyen, and all other drug traffickers, should know that such sinful wrongdoing will only lead to their downfall eventually. And the rest of the world who can think sensibly will rejoice.
Anonymous, at 8:57 PM
Anonymous, at 11:39 AM
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